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Workshop on the Road Map for the
Revitalization of High End Computing
June 16-18,2003
Grand Hyatt Hotel, Washington, D.C.
Report: Workshop on the Roadmap
for the Revitalization of High-End Computing:
(2.4 MB
PDF or lower-resolution
1.1 MB PDF)
CRA was asked to organize a Workshop on the Road Map for the
Revitalization of High End Computing. The Workshop sponsor was the National
Coordination Office for Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD).
The goals of the Workshop were to:
- bring together academic, industry, and government researchers to address
issues associated with revitalization of high-end computing (HEC);
- develop and publish concepts for research, development, and engineering
needed for HEC revitalization; and
- generate understanding and interest about high end computing
revitalization in the computer science, computational science, and
engineering communities
The NCO's Web site, www.nitrd.gov,
contains information about the Federal High End Computing Revitalization Task
Force (HECRTF), as
well as the original invitation to submit
white papers that could help shape the future development and application of
high-end computing technologies in the U.S. Persons who submitted white papers
were eligible to be invited to this Workshop.
Workshop on the Roadmap
for the Revitalization of High-End Computing (2.4 MB
>> Slides
- Dan Reed, Workshop Chair, NCSA and University of Illinois at
- Overview (5 MB PDF) presented in his remarks
in the opening plenary session and in closing comments on the final
day of the workshop.
- There were eight Working Groups. The charters and guiding questions for
these groups, as well as slides from the presentations of their findings,
can be found by visiting the links below:
- Enabling Technologies
- HEC Architecture - COTS-based
- HEC Architecture - Custom-based
- HEC Runtime and Operating System
- HEC Programming Environments and Tools
- Performance Modeling, Metrics and Specification
- Application-driven System Requirements
- Procurement, Accessibility, and Cost of Ownership
>> Program
>> Agenda
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