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Workshop on the Road Map for the
Revitalization of High End Computing
June 16-18,2003
Working Group 1: Enabling
Sheila Vaidya, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Chair
Stuart Feldman, IBM, Vice Chair
Establish the basic technologies that may provide the foundation for
important advances in HEC capability, and determine the critical tasks required
before the end of this decade to realize their potential. Such technologies
include hardware devices or components and the basic software approaches and
components needed to realize advanced HEC capabilities.
Guidelines and Questions:
- As input to HECRTF charge (1a), Please provide information about key
technologies that must be advanced to strengthen the foundation for
developing new generations of HEC systems. Include discussion of promising
novel hardware and software technologies with potential pay-off for HEC
- Provide brief technology maturity roadmaps and investments, with
discussion of costs to develop these technologies
- Discuss technology dependencies and risks (for example, does the roadmap
depend on technologies yet to be developed?)
- Example Topics:
- semiconductors, memory (e.g. MRAM), networks (e.g. optical),
packaging/cooling, novel logic devices (e.g. RSFQ), alternative
computing models
Slides presented during Plenary Reports on Findings (78
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