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Workshop on the Road Map for the
Revitalization of High End Computing
June 16-18,2003
Working Group 6: Performance Modeling, Metrics,
and Specifications
David Bailey, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Chair
Allan Snavely, UC San Diego, Vice-Chair
Establish objectives of future performance metrics and measurement
techniques to characterize system value and productivity to users and
institutions. Identify strategies for evaluation including benchmarking of
existing and proposed systems in support of user applications. Determine
parameters for specification of system attributes and properties.
Guidelines and Questions:
- As input to HECRTF charge (2c), provide information about the types of
system design specifications needed to effectively meet various
application domain requirements.
- Examine current state and value of performance modeling, metrics for HEC
and recommend key extensions
- Analyze performance-based procurement specifications for HEC that lead
to appropriately balanced systems.
- Recommend initiatives needed to overcome current limitations in this
- Example Topics:
- Metrics, time to solution, measurement and modeling methods,
benchmarking, specification parameters, time to solution and
relationship to fault-tolerance
presented during Plenary Reports on Findings (86 KB PDF)
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