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Workshop on the Road Map for the
Revitalization of High End Computing
June 16-18,2003
Working Group 3: HEC Architecture - Custom-based
Peter Kogge, University of Notre Dame
Thomas Sterling, California Institute of Technology & Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, Vice Chair
Identify opportunities and challenges for innovative HEC system
architectures, including alternative execution models, support mechanisms, local
element and system structures, and system engineering factors to accelerate rate
of sustained performance gain (time to solution), performance to cost,
programmability, and robustness. Establish a roadmap of advanced-concept
alternative architectures likely to deliver dramatic improvements to user
applications through the end of the decade. Specify those critical developments
achievable through custom design necessary to realize their potential.
Guidelines and Questions:
- Present driver requirements and opportunities for innovative
architectures demanding custom design
- Identify key research opportunities in advanced concepts for HEC
- Determine research and development challenges to promising HEC
architecture strategies. Project brief roadmap of potential developments
and impact through the end of the decade.
- Specify impact and requirements of future architectures on system
software and programming environments.
- Example Topics:
- System-on-a-chip (SOC), Processor-in-memory (PIM), streaming,
vectors, multithreading, smart networks, execution models, efficiency
factors, resource management, memory consistency, synchronization
presented during Plenary Reports on Findings (134 KB PDF)
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