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Workshop on the Road Map for the
Revitalization of High End Computing
June 16-18,2003
Working Group 4: HEC Runtime and Operating
Rick Stevens, Argonne National Laboratory, Chair
Ron Brightwell, Sandia National Laboratory, Vice-Chair
Establish baseline capabilities required in the operating systems for
projected HEC systems scaled to the end of this decade and determine the
critical advances that must be undertaken to meet these goals. Examine the
potential, expanded role of low-level runtime system components in support of
alternative system architectures.
Guidelines and Questions:
- Establish principal functional requirements of operating systems for HEC
systems of the end of the decade
- Identify current limitations of OS software and determine initiatives
required to address them
- Discuss role of open source software for HEC community needs and issues
associated with development/maintenance/use of open source
- Examine future role of runtime system software in the management/use of
HEC systems containing from thousands to millions of nodes.
- Example Topics:
- file systems, open source software, Linux, job and task scheduling,
security, grid-interoperable, memory management, fault tolerance,
checkpoint/restart, synchronization, runtime, I/O systems
presented during Plenary Reports on Findings (92 KB PDF)
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