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Workshop on the Road Map for the
Revitalization of High End Computing
June 16-18,2003
Working Group 5: HEC Programming Environments and
Dennis Gannon, Indiana University, Chair
Rich Hirsh, NSF, Vice-Chair
Address programming environments for both existing legacy codes and
alternative programming models to maintain continuity of current practices,
while also enabling advances in software development, debugging, performance
tuning, maintenance, interoperability and robustness. Establish key strategies
and initiatives required to improve time to solution and ensure the viability
and sustainability of applying HEC systems by the end of the decade.
Guidelines and Questions:
- Assume two possible paths to future programming environments:
- incremental evolution of existing programming languages and tools
consistent with portability of legacy codes
- innovative programming models that dramatically advance user
productivity and system efficiency/performance
- Specify requirements of programming environments and programmer training
consistent with incremental evolution, including legacy applications
- Identify required attributes and opportunities of innovative programming
methodologies for future HEC systems
- Determine key initiatives to improve productivity and reduce
time-to-solution along both paths to future programming environments
- Example Topics:
- Programming models, portability, debugging, performance tuning,
presented during Plenary Reports on Findings (72 KB PDF)
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