
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.


**My Blog-- Week 3**

Week Three!

Here I am again writing about my third week here at UNCC. Can you believe it? It is the third week already! It has been very hot and a little humid here lately. I love the sun don't get me wrong, but I could honestly say I cannot stay out under the sunlight for more than a couple of hours. My friends here wouldn't believe I just said that since everyone here thinks I love the sun so much I can live ON it! lol

Lets talk a little about what I have done this week. Monday started out smooth, not too busy nor stressful. ((Yeah I know!! weird for a Monday right?)). I worked mostly on editing the website and getting it up and running. There had to be some tweaks made before launching it to the web. I have changed my "contact me" webpage to one that supports php. Now it is more interactive and I like that much better. I have worked a bit on figuring out what needs to be done for out new project "Shapes Applet". A new idea of dragging and dropping components was introduced and I was responsible of that part. Jasamine was given another task where she was responsible for making the shapes. The shapes are a 3D cube, pyramid and a sphere, rendered similarly to the "rendering cube" we worked on last week. ((Just click here to view the rendering cube project.)).

On Tuesday, Jasamine and I finished editing our first technical paper for the rendering cube project. It probably isn't the greatest but I am proud of it. ((I am here to learn and learning starts HERE!)) It took us a long time and a lot of code analyzing to write that. Now, anyone with no prior knowledge about our project can read this, and a light bulb will go off in his/her head! It will actually make sense!!! :) After school and the long hours I went home and enjoyed the little nap before I woke up and we all headed to the lounge at Laurel Hall where we live to watch a movie on the big screen. After that I headed back to my room and went straight to bed.

Waking up all refreshed, I got ready and headed out to be at work on time. Wednesday was going to be a little busier since, not only are we having to prepare for the presentations the following day, we also had to play a game of our choice and present about it too. Since I am not much of a gamer, yeah that was a tough one! ((Don't laugh I am serious!)) So my day went pretty fast since I had too much to accomplish in a certain amount of time. But see I would rather be busy and working than be at work bored out of my living mind doing a bunch of nothing at all! So no complaints here! yet :P The rest of the day, we went out grocery shopping then jogging then came home and spent the rest of the evening being lazy :)

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There you are! I thought you'd never scroll down!! Anyway, Thursday was the big day! We had to present at 12 p.m. that day. Amanda, one of the phd students here, had brought some food and drinks for everyone and we all presented over lunch. It was fun. Out presentations too an hour long. Don't worry there were seven of us presenting PLUS we talked a lot so it wasn't bad. Click here to view the weekly presentation and here to view the game review. The rest of the day I spent on researching the drag and drop functions. It was a bit tough to fiure out how to add a drop function to a swing component that does not already support it. With Evie's help, we had semi-working program and the world became happy place!

My Friday started with more research. I have read so many articles and examples hoping that I will find my answers somewhere on the web. I have posted a couple of forum questions hoping that Java professionals out there would have the answer, or guide me to the right direction. So far, I have gotten nothing yet. Still working on it. As you can tell already, I am creating my Week 3 blog. It is all good. The day is almost over and I can go home, relax and have fun. I have no plans for the weekend yet but I know I would like to go out and do some shopping! ((who said i was not a shopaholic!))

It is 4:31 p.m. so I better get back to work for the half an hour that is left before I go home. I will always be back to bring you my weekly news about my at UNCC. Until then.....Chao!











