
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.


**My Blog-- Week 9**

Week Nine!

      Hello ya’all out there. Lauren left today.. I miss her already (don’t tell her I said that). She had served her time here and now she is gone. Lauren, if you are reading this, I do NOT miss you at all =p
As you already know it is week nine and I am back for more news. There is less than a week left... Since I have work to do, I will keep this short and sweet so let’s get to it!

      Since week nine was pretty much a brush up of all the work done in the previous weeks, I will sum everything up in one big lump sum. Starting Monday, I started my day by looking over the NetBeans’ interface design to make sure all components were intact where they are supposed to be and they all served the specified functionality that they were created for. Looking over our original design, I had to make some minor design tweaks. I had to make sure everything was ready for Jasamine to implement previous code into. We had no time to waste. Tuesday, I worked on fixing up some minor glitches in the Maya files I have created the past couple of weeks. The loader Evie has created seems to not load the textures associated with some 3-D objects. We had to figure out the reason why that was happening. Wednesday, I continued to work with Maya files. Thursday, I worked on starting up my final papers. There are 2 papers I have to write. One of those papers is the final paper that DMP required us to write at the end of the summer research program, and the other is required to us by Dr. Barnes and the Game Lab where I work. Also, we it was presentations day. Click here to view the presentation.Today, Friday, I had to read more publications and revise old ones I have already read and summarized to see what I would want to include in my papers.

        Now that you know the highlights of my week, I better go back and do some work since I won’t be able to get any work done neither later on today nor on the weekend. At 7 p.m. this evening, Dr. Barnes is having us over to her house. Usually we have so much we don’t leave until very late. Saturday, I have volunteered for the “Habitats for Humanity” experience where we will go out to houses of the less fortunate and installs brand new computers. I am very excited I cannot wait until then. Sunday, I will go out with Jasamine and Andrea shopping. That also is going to be a whole day project.

        I cannot believe I have one more of those blogs left to create.. I am sad….











