Action Alerts
- ALERT re: IT Research Funding at NSF, September 27, 1999
- Join the Computing Research Advocacy Network a new service from CRA
Making the Case for Computing Research
- Expanding the Federal Investment in Information Technology Research CRA Policy Brief
Acrobat (.pdf) | Postscript (.ps)
- The Information Technology Research Initiative CRA Fact Sheet
Acrobat (.pdf) | Postscript (.ps)
- The PITAC Final Report CRA Fact Sheet
Acrobat (.pdf) | Postscript (.ps)
- The National Investment in Information Technology R&D CRA Policy Brief
Acrobat (.pdf) | Postscript (.ps)
- The National Investment in Information Technology R&D - FAQ CRA Policy Brief
Acrobat (.pdf) | Postscript (.ps)
- Computing Research: A National Investment for Leadership in the 21st Century is a CRA booklet which uses case studies by industry leaders to illustrate how multi-billion-dollar indust ries have been created by modest federal investments in fundamental research in information technology.
Position Statements
- CRA Testimony on the underrepresentation of women and minorities in computing, given by Edward D. Lazowska, Chair, Board of Directors, Computing Research Association, and Chair, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington before the Commission on the Advancement of Women and Minorities in Science, Engineering, and Technology Development (CAWMSET), October 6, 1999.
- TechNet-CRA Letter to Congress re: Impact of Pending Appropriations on IT Research, September 1, 1999
- CRA Letter to House Appropriators re: FY 2000 appropriations for the National Science Foundation, July 30, 1999
- CRA Testimony in support of the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Act (HR 2086), given by Edward D. Lazowska, Chair, Board of Directors, Computing Research Association, and Chair, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington, before the Subcommittee on Basic Research, U.S. House of Representatives, July 14, 1999
- CRA Statement on NITR&D Legislation
- CRA Letter to Congress re: the Information Technology Initiative, April 30, 1999
- CRA Testimony in support of FY 2000 Appropriations for the National Science Foundation, given by Edward D. Lazowska, Chair, Board of Directors, Computing Research Association, and Chair, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington before the Subcommittee on VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies U.S. House of Representatives, April 28, 1999
- CRA Testimony in support of the FY 2000 DoD budget request given by John Gannon, CRA board member, Chair of CRA government affairs committee, and Chair, Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland, befor e the Subcommittee on Defense, Committee on Appropriations, U.S. House of Representatives, March 25, 1999
- CRA Statement on IT2 Initiative
- CNSF Statement on the National Science Foundation FY 2000 Budget Proposal
Other Advocacy Resources
- Quick Tips on Effective Communications with Congress
- "Writing Your Representative" article by Fred W. Weingarten
- "The Institution of Congress" article by Fred W. Weingarten
- Working With Congress: A Practical Guide for Scientists and Engineers AAAS publication.
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