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CRA Announces Executive Fellowship Appointments

Date:September 1998
Section: Policy News

CRA selected two individuals for the 1998-1999 Executive Fellowship Program. After the initial blue-ribbon panel of distinguished leaders in computer and information science evaluated the professional credentials of the applicants, the second stage of the application process began with senior agency officials evaluating the candidates. Both met the program's requirements and were compatible with a particular agency's needs. The Fellows were placed in an area of government that most closely fit their expertise and interests.

Victor Rosenburg, University of Michigan, will be working with the Acting Under Secretary for Technology, Gary Bachula, in the Technology Administration (TA), the Federal agency that works to maximize technology's contribution to America's economic growth. Victor wants to be "an effective advocate of IT," and is excited at the opportunity to work on the Small Business Innovative Research Project (SBIR). Victor's background supports his appointment to such a role as he has successfully carried on an academic career, as well as founded and owned his own high-tech firm.

Of interest to Victor is technology transfer from Federally funded research and development projects to commercially viable products in the private sector.

Our other Executive Fellow, T.C. Ting, is Professor and recent Interim Head of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Connecticut. He will be working on the National Performance Review initiative in the Office of the Vice President. NPR's mission is to, "reinvent government to work better, cost less, and get results Americans care about." T.C.'s responsibilities will be in the area of data security and privacy.

After the Fellows complete their special AAAS "boot camp," which is intended to acquaint them with Washington and working in the political arena, they will be resident in Washington, DC, for the entire term of the fellowship — there may be a possibility for renewal of the fellowship for a second year. The fellows will participate in AAAS seminars throughout the year. They will also maintain contact with CRA on a regular basis through scheduled meetings, occasional articles for CRN, and The fellowship offers an outstanding opportunity for current and future leaders of the computing profession to learn first-hand about Washington's technology policy processes, and at the same time to serve their country through the practical application of information technology knowledge and expertise in government.

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