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NAE Elects New Members

Date:May 1998
Section: Awards

The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) has again elected members of the Computer Science and Engineering community to the Academy. This honor is reserved for those who make "important contributions to engineering theory and practice, including significant contributions to the literature of engineering theory and practice," and those who have demonstrated "unusual accomplishment in the pioneering of new and developing fields of technology."

This year a total of 84 engineers and 7 foreign associates were elected to membership. The announcement was made by William Wulf, president of NAE (see CRN interview with Wulf, September 1997.) U.S. membership now totals 1,941 and foreign associates total 155 members.

This year's newest members:

James H. Clark,chairman, Netscape Communications Corp., Mountain View, California. For the development of computer graphics and for technical leadership in the computer industry.

David J. DeWitt, professor and Romnes Fellow, University of Wisconsin, Madison. For the theory and construction of database systems.

Edward J. McCluskey, professor of electrical engineering and computer science and director, Center for Reliable Computing, Stanford University, Stanford, California. For logic design, computer engineering, and engineering education.

Jerome H. Saltzer, emeritus professor of computer science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. For computer operating systems.

Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, professor of electrical engineering and computer science, University of California, Berkeley. For computer-aided design of integrated circuits.

Keith W. Uncapher, senior vice president, Corporation for National Research Initiatives, Reston, Virginia. For information technology on the national level.

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