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Policy '98 Conference

Date:March 1998
Section: Affiliate News

Shaping Policy in the Information Age

May 10-12, Washington DC is the time and place for the computing community to focus on public policy issues affecting future applications of computing. Attendees will interact with leaders from academia, industry, Congress, and executive agencies, and participate in debates on policy issues including Universal Access, Electronic Commerce, Intellectual Property, and Education Online.

Program participants include Jim Barksdale of Netscape, Juris Hartmanis (NSF), John Gage (founder of Netday and formerly of Sun), Gordon Bell (Microsoft), Senators Olympia Snowe and John McCain, Congresswomen Connie Morella and Anna Eshoo, Congressmen Vern Ehlers and Rick Boucher, Pam Samuelson (Berkeley), Esther Dyson (EFF), Ira Magaziner (White House staff), and Ray Smith (president of Bell Atlantic).

CRA, in its role as the primary representative of the computer science community on policy issues affecting computer science research and engineering, is one of seven organizations cooperating with ACM in planning the conference.

Chaired by Ben Shneiderman (University of Maryland) and C. Dianne Martin (George Washington University), the focus of the conference on Sunday May 10 is ethical and social impacts, with the ACM Awards Banquet in the evening; on May 11 and 12, the theme is policy issues.

For conference and registration information see

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