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NGI Initiative Workshop in May

Date:May 1997
Section: Policy News

Since last October 10, when President Clinton announced in general terms a new Next-Generation Internet (NGI) Initiative, government science agencies have been struggling to fill in the details of the new interagency initiative. Whatever details of its final shape, the program will clearly have a large research component.

To help the planning process, the Computing Research Association will be co-hosting a workshop on the research agenda on May 13-14. The Computer Systems Policy Project and the Cross Industry Working Team will co-host the event.

The workshop, to be held in the Washington, DC, area, will bring together nearly 100 researchers from academia and industry to examine fundamental research questions that need to be addressed to meet the NGI program goals. Attendees will examine such topics as network management, quality of service, middleware, security and NGI applications, and will try to identify the most critical research needs. CRA will publish a report of the meeting and also produce a videotape report on the event.

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