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NAE Elects 85 New Members

Date:May 1997
Section: Awards

The National Academy of Engineering recently elected 85 new members and eight foreign associates. This brings the total US membership to 1,893 and the number of foreign associates to 153. NAE membership is among the highest professional distinctions accorded to engineers, and membership is given to those who have demonstrated "unusual accomplishment in the pioneering of new and developing fields of technology," according to NAE. Newly elected engineers in computer science and related fields are:

Ruzena Bajcsy: Professor and director, General Robotics Active Sensory Perception Laboratory, Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania. For development of "active perception" methods and for leadership in the community.

Donald D. Chamberlin: Research staff member, Computer Science Department, IBM Almaden Research Center. For contributions to the SQL database query language.

Henry Fuchs: Federico Gil Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. For contributions to computer graphics hardware and algorithms.

Steven P. Jobs: Chief executive officer, NeXT Software Inc. For contributions to the creation and development of the PC industry.

Alan Kay: Apple Fellow, Advanced Technology Group, Apple Computer Inc. For inventing the concept of portable personal computing.

Robert M. Metcalfe: Vice president for technology, International Data Group. For the development of the Ethernet.

Alan F. Shugart: Co-founder, president and CEO, Seagate Technology. For contributions to disc memory devices and interfaces for PCs.

Charles Simonyi: Chief architect, Microsoft Corp. For developing widely used desktop productivity software.

Robert F. Sproull: Vice president and Sun Fellow, Sun Microsystems Inc. For work in computer graphics and digital printing.

Michael R. Stonebraker: Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California at Berkeley. For development and commercialization of relational and object-relational database systems.

Margaret H. Wright: Distinguished member of the technical staff, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies. For development of numerical optimization algorithms and for leadership in the applied mathematics community.

Takeo Kanade (Foreign Associate): Whitaker Professor of Computer Science and Robotics and director, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University. For contributions to computer vision and robotics.

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