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Upcoming CRA Workshops

Date:May 1997
Section: Association News

In response to requests of attendees at the 1996 CRA Conference at Snowbird, the Computing Research Association (CRA) is sponsoring two workshops: one on academic careers and another on effective teaching.

The workshops will be held June 4-6 in Denver at the Oxford Hotel and will immediately follow the International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA '97). We encourage you to register early because space in the workshops is limited, and hotel rooms are in short supply during the workshops. Junior faculty and senior graduate students should be encouraged to attend, as the CS&E community believes such workshops can help lead junior faculty to successful careers.

For more information or to access a registration form, go to CRA's Web page at and click on What's News, send an e-mail message to or call 202-234-2111.

CRA Academic Careers Workshop

The CRA Academic Careers Workshop is oriented to both men and women, unlike previous CRA career workshops, which were oriented toward women's issues. The target audience is faculty in the beginning years of their careers and senior graduate students contemplating an academic career. The workshop will begin June 4 at 2 P.M. and conclude June 5 at noon.

"I'm very excited about the speakers at the Academic Careers Workshop. By holding the workshop right after the International Symposium on Computer Architecture, we've been able to get department chairs and college deans to volunteer to give the kind of career advice we all wish we'd had at the beginning of our careers," workshop organizer David Patterson said.

Workshop sessions include:

• The tenure process.

• Selecting and managing a research project.

• Getting funding.

• Networking with other researchers.

• Time-management/family issues.

Workshop presenters include:

• Janice Cuny (CRA-W co-chair, University of Oregon).

• Susan Eggers (NSF Presidential Young Investigator, University of Washington).

• John Hennessy (Dean of the College of Engineering, Stanford University).

• Mary Jane Irwin (Vice chair of CRA and ACM, Pennsylvania State University).

• David Patterson (CRA Board chair and past Computer Science Department chair, University of California at Berkeley).

• Bobby Schnabel (Associate dean of academic affairs for engineering, University of Colorado at Boulder).

CRA Effective Teaching Workshop

The purpose of CRA's Effective Teaching in Computer Science and Engineering Workshop is to help new faculty members teach more effectively. This highly interactive workshop includes theoretical material on learning styles and instructional objectives, and practical tips on effective lecturing, creative problem-solving and collaborative learning. Attendees will actively participate individually, in pairs and in small groups.

The workshop will begin June 5 at 2 P.M. and end June 6 at noon.

This workshop is intended for new faculty members teaching college and university courses in computer science and engineering. If space is available, more experienced faculty are welcome to attend.

The workshop leader is Michael R. Williams, a professor of computer science at the University of Calgary. For more information on the workshop leader, see

Registration Fees and Accomodations

The registration fee include all workshop meals. Cancellation requests received by CRA on or before May 13 will result in a full refund of the registration fee. No refunds will be made after this date. You may send a substitute in your place.

CRA Academic Careers Workshop(only) - June 4-5
CRA members $150
Nonmembers $175
Students $115
CRA Effective Teaching Workshop (only) - June 5-6
CRA members $125
Nonmembers $150
Students $90
Both Workshops
CRA members $250
Nonmembers $300
Students $170


The workshops will be held at the Oxford Hotel; tel. 303-638-5400. CRA has reserved a limited number of hotel rooms for attendees. The group rate is $125 (plus 11.8% tax) per night. If you require a room, please that indicate on your registration form and return it no later than May 14; include the first night's deposit (equal to the room rate) with your registration.

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