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CRA workshop planned

Date:March 1996
Section: Conference

Another version of the successful CRA Workshop on Academic Careers for Women in Computer Science is being offered May 20-21 in conjunction with the Federated Computing Research Conference.

The workshop will bring women just starting their academic careers--either advanced graduate students or newly hired faculty--together with established researchers. The more senior women will serve as panelists, giving information and advice on many aspects of academic careers. Topics will include getting a job, preparing for the tenure decision, building a research program, advising graduate students, teaching, the importance of networking, time management and family issues. Also featured is a mini-workshop on writing a National Science Foundation proposal.

The workshop is sponsored by the Computing Research Association with support from NSF.

The NSF support allows the workshop organizers to offer a limited number of travel grants to cover transportation, registration and hotel expenses. The deadline for travel grant applications is March 15. For more information, contact Jan Cuny, e-mail:

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