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Patterson re-elected as chair of the CRA Board

Date:September 1995
Section: Association News

Three new directors have been elected to serve on the Computing Research Association Board. Five directors were re-elected.

CRA's Board also re-elected David Patterson of the University of California at Berkeley as chair and Michael Garey of AT&T Bell Laboratories as treasurer. Mary Jane Irwin of Pennsylvania State University was elected vice chair, and Nancy G. Leveson of the University of Washington is the new secretary. Retiring as board officers are Maria Klawe of the University of British Columbia and Gregory R. Andrews of the University of Arizona. Both are still members of the board.

CRA's newly elected board members are Alfred V. Aho of Columbia University, Sandra Johnson Baylor of the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center and Irene Greif of Lotus Development Corp.

The directors who were re-elected are Andrews, Garey, Bill Gear of the NEC Research Institute Inc., John Guttag of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Edward Lazowska of the University of Washington.

John R. White of the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center is the new representative to the board appointed by the Association for Computing Machinery, a CRA-affiliated professional society. White replaces Dorothy Denning of Georgetown University. (Biographical information and a photograph of White were unavailable at press time.)

CRA appreciates the time and effort contributed by its retiring board members: Denning, Dick Lampman of Hewlett-Packard Co., Mark Weiser of the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center and David Wise of Indiana University.

CRA's bylaws state that elections will be held each spring to fill seats left open by expiring terms of office or by resignations. Each CRA member organization is allowed one vote for each open seat on the board. A board member's three-year term begins July 1.

The CRA Election Committee, chaired this year by Rick Adrion of the University of Massachusetts, puts together a slate of candidates from nominations made by members of the computing research community.

In preparing the slate, the committee seeks reputable computer researchers and research administrators who are willing to devote time and energy to CRA. The committee looks for a varied slate in terms of research field, organization type, gender, ethnic background and geography.

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