IT, Informatics, and Computer Science: Experience With New and Existing Programs

a workshop delivered at CRA's Conference at Snowbird 2000
July 10, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

A number of universities have launched new IT and informatics programs over the past few years. These programs are typically distinct from existing computer science programs, not just administratively but (more importantly) in their focus as well.  In addition to having a technical focus and drawing from material in computer science and engineering, the new IT/Informatics programs also typically have a human dimension, focusing on the application of IT beyond science and engineering. Several new IT/Informatics programs will be described, including their academic focus and some of the lessons learned thus far.  There will be ample time for discussion.



Dennis Gannon (Indiana University)

J. Michael Dunn (Indiana University) [slides]
Susan Merritt (Pace University)
Boleslaw Szymanski (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) [slides]

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