Constituency Guidelines for CRA
The guidelines for members are as follows:
From time to time, by vote of the Board of Directors, the Association may accept as an Affiliated Professional Society any professional society that has a strong interest in computing research and has a significant presence on North America. Such Affiliated Societies shall directly support the Association's activities Organizations that have an interest in the mission of the Association but that do not qualify to become Constituent Members or Affiliated Professional Societies may, by vote of the Board of Directors, become Associate Members. Organizations that might be approved for Associate Membership include but are not limited to, academic departments that meet all membership criteria for Constituent Membership with the exception that they are located outside North America; and companies, government, and other organizations located anywhere in the world that are supportive of the Association’s mission but do not employ computing researchers. The CRA Board of Directors has ultimate authority in all membership decisions. << Back to Membership home page
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