
I have several mentors here who are helping me with the research. Here is little information about them:

Dr Nancy Amato

Dr Amato is a professor here at Texas A&M. She received her masters in computer science from University of California-Berkeley and her Ph D from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her research interests are motion planning, computational biology, robotics, computational geometry, animation, EDI, and VR as well as parallel and distributed computing, parallel algorithms, and performance modeling and optimization. She is also one of the co-directors of the Distributed Mentor Project. Her home page contains more information about her.

Antal Buss

Antal is a graduate student at Texas A&M. He is from Columbia and is here through the Fulbright Program. He received his masters from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cali. Antal has been very helpful to us during our research here and is always willing to stop what he is working on and answer our questions. He also has a home page here.