Journal Continued...

Week 6: July 14, 2008 to July 20, 2008

This week was mainly concerned with coding the program. In addition, the group had its fifth group meeting but unlike the other meetings, this one was focused on discussing member progress. We each discussed the work we are doing this summer, our major achievements thus far, and our final goals for the end of the summer.

Week 7: July 21, 2008 to July 27, 2008

This week, I was busy finishing coding the program. In addition, the group had its sixth group meeting in which Kevin Kreiser , a PhD student and a relatively new member of the GCLab, presented some of his work and future goals on the Docking@Home project.

Week 8: July 28, 2008 to August 03, 2008

This week was aimed at testing the program and fixing any bugs found. In addition, I worked on preparing a presentation about my work; I will present next week during the group's meeting.

Week 9: August 04, 2008 to August 10, 2008

This week was mainly to debug and test the program. In addition, the group had its seventh meeting in which I presented my summer work. To view the slides of my presentation: Click Here

Week 10: August 11, 2008 to August 15, 2008

This week being the final week of the internship was dedicated to running the program on new data collected and making the program more reboust. In addition, the group had its eighth group meeting in which Abel Licon, a master student of the GCLab, along with David Mireles, a DMP intern at UDel, presented their summer work on RNA secondary structure predictions.

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