
Week 1: June 6, 2008 to June 15, 2008

The first week was mainly getting administration issues resolved such as accounts, student ID, and getting familiar with the tools I would be using such as the SVN and the group wiki. In addition, I was required to implement the website to which I would be making small additions throughout the summer.

The group had its first group meeting in which all members were introduced.

Some members of my lab, including myself, and the neighboring lab went out for lunch and it turned out that the group of people who went for lunch were all women in computer science thus it was decided that we, the women in computer science, should try to get together to go for lunch more often since there isn't many of us.

Week 2: June 16, 2008 to June 22, 2008

Three days of the week were mainly devoted to attending the Systems Mentoring workshop. After which my efforts were concentrated on understanding, testing, reviewing, editing, and augmenting the documentation for the standalone environment which is used for simulations.

In addition, I attended the group's second meeting in which a member of the group, Arun Rajendran, a postdoc researcher in the GCLab, gave a presentation in which he discussed his PhD thesis.

As part of my personal goals, I began to learn XML, JavaScript, CSS, and physical chemistry.

Week 3: June 23, 2008 to June 29, 2008

This week I focused my time on beginning to build the environment to analyze data; I researched and understood the K-Mean algorithm which is used to cluster data based on the minimization of the sum of squares of distances between data points and the cluster centroid. This will speed the process of analyzing the data once the simulations are complete.

In addition, I attended the group's third meeting in which one of my mentors, Trilce Estrada gave a presentation about one of her projects, currently named simBA (simulator for BOINC Applications). This project aims at modeling the main functions of BOINC, where BOINC is a tool for volunteer computing which allows user, worldwide, to volunteer their computer time to science-oriented projects.

On Wednesday, the computer science women met for lunch. There were about seven of us plus three women who couldn't make it for lunch.

As part of my continuing personal goals I continued learning physical chemistry and began to explore SQL, a database language.

Week 4: June 30, 2008 to July 06, 2008

This week was dedicated mainly to implementing the program in java, a programming language , in addition to researching other potential useful clustering algorithms.

The group had it's fourth meeting in which one of the group members, Joe Davis ,talked about his very interesting research on computational chemistry. Joe is a PhD student working as a research assistant in GCLab with Dr. Taufer.

As part of my continuing personal goals I continued learning physical chemistry and began reading a book about compilers.

Week 5: July 07, 2008 to July 13, 2008

This week was concerned only with coding the program mentioned above. As part of my personal goals, I continued to read the compilers book.

On Friday, the GCLab along with all the labs in the building where I work, Smith Hall, were shut down thus no work was possible on friday or on the weekend; thus some computer science women decided to head on out to a corn maze near-by. It took us two hours and a half to make it out of the maze and with no assistance!!

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