Howdy, my name is Adam Fidel and I am looking to start my third year at Texas Tech as a Computer Science major. I have hopes of graduating with a Bachelor of Science in the Spring of 2010. My interests include sleeping in until noon and parallel computing.
In the summer of 2008, I participated in the Distributed Mentor Project by working with Dr. Nancy Amato and Dr. Lawrence Rauchwerger in the Parasol Lab at Texas A&M's Department of Computer Science dealing with STAPL and ways to seamlessly incorporate external libraries into the framework. STAPL is a C++ framework designed to enable ease of parallelization of code to the developer. Dr. Amato's research deals with parallel algorithms and their numerous applications in computing and Dr. Rauchwerger's research focuses on compiler design. I will also be working closely with Antal Buss, who is a Ph.D student from Columbia who received his masters from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cali. I will work specifically on partial specialization of STAPL and (P)BLAS's various methods including matrix-matrix multiplication.
The summer was a blast! I'd recommend any one who is remotely interested in computational research to take the plunge in this or a similar type of program. I learned many things (sometimes against my will!), made many friends, and had a great time participating in exciting research.