Week One The
weather is wonderful here and I have really been enjoying my stay so far. I
have been given my first assignment and will begin by researching security
issues regarding online privacy. I will be reading several research papers
regarding social network sites like MySpace and Facebook.
I've also read some chapters on administrating successful research studies,
interviews, and trials. Week Two I was
able to test the settings on the prototype this week. I found that the
privacy settings on this interface were very visual and easy to use. However
there is much more coding to be done. We are coding in java and adding more
GUI components to the prototype. The goal for this week is to learn java and
become as familiar with the code as possible. Once that is accomplished, I
can begin adding components to the prototype to improve the interface. Week
Three Facebook is constantly changing and so are the privacy
settings. I did a report comparing the privacy settings of our prototype to Facebook’s interface. There are small differences
between our prototype and the privacy settings that are currently available
on Facebook. Using these findings, my team was able
to chart additional tasks that we need to accomplish in order to make our
prototype better. I also made progress with the programming and coded
additional functionality to the structure. I created avenues in structure of
the program that would allow for specific future privacy settings for a user's
friends (ex. Best Friends, Friends of Friends etc.). However the coding and
programming process is a team effort. So everyone is coding separately in
hopes that we will be able to combine our contributions and make an overall
improvement to the prototype. |