About Me:
Name: Kelly Chang
University: University of California at Santa Cruz
Department: School of Engineering, Computer Science
Year: I will be starting my fourth year in Fall '08
Planned date of graduation: June 2009
Major: Computer Science
Contact email:
Eatz and Animez
Other random facts: I love to cook and eat good food. I watch anime for
fun and because it improves my Japanese ever so slightly. I'm a part of the UCSC
Shorinji Kempo group which is a subset of the Silicon Valley branch. I have
been practicing for three years and achieved my shodan (1st degree black belt)
in April 2008. I like computer science because it challenges me to the point of
head-banging-against-the-desk frustration, and there's no other feeling like
having a completed program that runs without screwing up. Everything else just
seems so dull compared to it.