2007 Outstanding Male Undergraduate Award Lester Mackey is a senior at Princeton University
majoring in Computer Science. Lester's main research efforts concern developing formal techniques for proving that software produces correct results, even when the hardware in the presence of intermittent hardware faults. He and his group at Princeton have been working on developing the first compiler system that can automatically produce proofs that the code it generates runs correctly on faulty hardware. This work has led to multiple conference papers (one published already, one submitted and one in preparation) for which Lester is a key author. In addition to doing high-quality research, Lester has been very active in helping his fellow students. He is a Resident College tutor for struggling students and a member of the computer science undergraduate student council. He is a member of the Chapel Choir and active in Princeton's Music Outreach Program, as well as being a prize-winning author and a senior staff member of The Prism, a magazine that promotes diversity.
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