(Please print and submit one form per attendee by mail.)


Name _____________________________________________________________________

University/Organization ________________________________________________________

Mailing Address _____________________________________________________________



Business Telephone ( _____ ) __________________________________________________

Fax ( _____ ) _______________________________________________________________

E-mail _____________________________________________________________________

Name for Badge _____________________________________________________________

Is this the first CRA Conference you have attended?

Which workshop series do you plan to attend?

Spouse/Guest Name __________________________________________________________

Name for Badge ______________________________________________________________


The registration fees, which include all conference meals, are as follows:

CRA member: $____________

Non-member: $____________

Spouse/guest :$____________

TOTAL: $_________________

All registration fees must be paid in full with registration form, or include a copy of your organization's purchase order.

Check one:


__ Please check here if you are disabled or require special services. Attach a written description of needs.


The conference hotel is the Cliff Lodge at Snowbird Ski & Summer Resort. All hotel accommodations must be arranged through CRA. Do not contact the hotel directly.

Please enclose payment for the first night's deposit to guarantee reservation. Hotel accommodations are limited and available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Arrival Date: ________________________________________________________________

Estimated Arrival Time: _______________________________________________________

Departure Date: ____________________________________________________________

Estimated Departure Time: ____________________________________________________

The daily room rates (not including meals and 9.63% lodging/state tax) are:

__ Enclosed is a check for the first night's deposit made payable to the Computing Research Association.

__Charge the hotel deposit to:

Print name as it appears on card: __________________________________________________

Cardholder's Signature: __________________________________________________________

Please print and mail this form with appropriate payment to:

CRA Conference at Snowbird '96 Computing Research Association
1875 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 718
Washington, DC 20009