Department Management: Budgeting, Buyouts, and the Final Frontier - Space


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Department Management: Budgeting, Buyouts, and the Final Frontier - Space

Workshop goals

Survey on budgets, space, teaching loads and graduate student support

Survey on budgets, space, teaching loads and graduate student support

Response rate

Content of the survey

Background information

FTE faculty positions

FTE faculty positions

Graduate degrees awarded per faculty member

Graduate degrees awarded per faculty member

Secretaries, computer support, research programmers per faculty member

Secretaries, computer support, research programmers per faculty member

Sources of staff funding


Budget per faculty member

Budget per faculty member

External funding per faculty member

External funding per faculty member

Budget composition

Budget composition

Instructional lab expenditures per faculty member

Instructional lab expenditures per faculty member

Instructional lab expenditures composition

Instructional lab expenditures composition

Research lab expenditures per faculty member

Research lab expenditures per faculty member

Research lab expenditures composition

Research lab expenditures composition

Equipment donations

Current space

Total space per faculty member

Total space per faculty member

Total space per PhD degree granted

Usage of current space

Recently gained or renovated space and sources of funding

Planned space

Planned space

Expected sq. footage

Usage of planned space

Planned space - certainty

Planned space - source of funding

Faculty teaching loads

Official teaching loads

Official teaching loads

Official teaching loads

Actual teaching loads

Actual teaching loads

Teaching loads - reasons for reduction

Teaching loads - reasons for increase

Graduate student support

Standard work requirements

Standard work requirements for TAs

Standard work requirement for TAs

Median net graduate stipend in US dollars

Median net stipend

Ratio of supported students

Factors affecting stipends

Recruitment incentives

Signing bonuses

Signing bonuses

Guaranteed multi-year support

Guaranteed summer support

Paid visits to campus

Author: mirek

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