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CRA Conference at Snowbird 2008

For Chairs of Ph.D.-granting CS and CE Departments and Directors of U.S. industrial and government computing research labs/centers interested in Computing Research

 July 13 – 15, 2008
Cliff Lodge, Snowbird Resort
Snowbird, Utah


Workshop for New Chairs 2008


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Sunday, July 13 - 3:00 - 5:30 PM


Susanne Hambrusch (Purdue University)
Darrell Whitley (Colorado State University)
Panelists: Jeanne Ferrante (UC San Diego)
Diane Souvaine (Tufts University)
Robert Walker (Kent State University)

Xiaodong Zhang (Ohio State University)
  0) Introduction
1) Management: Styles, Time management
2) Constituents: Faculty, Students and Staff Break (4:20-4:25)
3) Strategic planning and the upper administration
4) Research funding and fundraising
5) Supporting a collegial environment: respect & diversity
6) Questions and Answers
Information about the panelists
Jeanne Ferrante

is currently Associate Vice Chancellor for Faculty Equity, Associate Dean of the Jacobs School of Engineering, and professor of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at UC San Diego. She was CSE Department Chair from 1996-1999, and Acting Dean of Engineering in fall 2007. As Associate Dean, she co-founded UCSD Teams in Engineering Service (TIES), which partners multidisciplinary teams of undergraduates with non-profit organizations to provide long-term technical solutions. She received her PhD in mathematics from MIT in 1974. Prior to joining UC San Diego, she taught at Tufts University (1974-78) and was subsequently a Research Staff Member at IBM's T.J. Watson Research Center.

Ferrante’s work has included the development of intermediate representations for optimizing and parallelizing compilers, most notably the Program Dependence Graph and Static Single Assignment (SSA) form. She is a Fellow of the ACM and a Fellow of the IEEE.  Her SSA work (with colleagues from IBM) was recognized in 2006 by the ACM Programming Language Achievement Award as a "significant and lasting contribution to the field."   

Department of Computer Science and Engineering at UC San Diego
Chair reports to the Dean of Engineering. Appointment is a 3-year renewable term. Chair selection is based on vote by a majority of academic senate faculty of the department, and appointed by the Dean.
Faculty: 46 total; Full Professor: 28, Associate Professors: 10, Assistant Professors: 8.
Graduate students: 302 total; Ph.D. students: 202, MS students: 100; Woman students: 50 (16.5%); Minority students: 11 (African Americans, Native American, Hispanic)
Undergraduate students: 598 total; Woman students: 80 (13%); Minority students: 69 (African Americans, Native American, Hispanic). Students declare their major as freshmen.

Diane Souvaine

earned an A.B. both in mathematics and in English and American language and literature from Harvard University, an M.A.L.S. in mathematical sciences from Dartmouth College, and M.S.E., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from Princeton University. Upon the receipt of her doctorate in 1986, she joined the faculty of the Department of Computer Science at Rutgers where she remained until 1998. From 1992-94, she served first as Acting Associate Director and then as Acting Director of the NSF Science and Technology Center on Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DIMACS). In 1998, Souvaine joined the faculty at Tufts University. Since 2002, she serves as the chair of Computer Science.

Souvaine's current research focuses on the design and complexity analysis of geometric algorithms to solve problems from a variety of venues, ranging from computational statistics to molecular modeling to self-assembly of nano-structures. She also participates in activities to enhance pre-college mathematics education and to encourage the advancement of women and persons of other underrepresented groups in mathematics, science, and engineering.

Computer Science Department at Tufts University
The department sits administratively in the Engineering School; also offers degrees in Arts and Sciences. The head reports to Dean of Engineering, but has a dotted line to the Dean of A&S. Chair has a 3-year term (renewable).
Faculty: 13 total; Full Professor: 5, Associate Professors: 7, Assistant Professors: 1.
Graduate students: 70 total; Ph.D. students: 40, MS students: 30; Woman students: 23 (33%). 15 Certificate students.

Undergraduate students: 66 total (41 in A&S, 25 in Eng). Woman students: 12 (18%); students declare major after freshmen year (Eng) or sophomore year (A&S). Cognitive and Brain Science major: 16 students (7 females).

Robert A. Walker

received his Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering from CMU in 1988. He joined the faculty of the Computer Science Department at RPI in 1989, and moved to the Computer Science Department at Kent State University in 1996, where he is currently serving as Department Chair. He is a Distinguished Member of the ACM and a Senior Member of the IEEE. His early research interests were in the field of high-level synthesis, in particular the scheduling and design space exploration problems. His more recent work has focused on novel architectures for embedded systems.

Walker is very active in the ACM, where he is currently serving as the Past Chair of the ACM SIG Governing Board and as SIG Governing Board Representative to the ACM Council. He has been active with the ACM Special Interest Group on Design Automation (ACM/SIGDA) since 1992, serving on the ACM/SIGDA Advisory Board, as Secretary / Treasurer and Newsletter Editor, as Chair from 2001-2005, and currently as Past Chair. He received the SIGDA Meritorious Service Award in 1997, the SIGDA Distinguished Service Award in 2006, and the Outstanding Contribution to ACM Award in 2007. He has served on approximately 75 conference steering, organizing, and program committees, including 7 years on the ICCAD Executive Committee and 4 years on the DAC Executive Committee.

Computer Science Department at Kent State
Chair is appointed by the Dean. The Department sends a short list to the Dean, who must pick from that list, or must request a new list. Appointment is for a 4-year term that can be renewed after a successful review in the 3rd year. Department is in College of Arts and Sciences.
Faculty: 19 total; Full professors: 11, Associate professors: 6, Assistant professors: 2
Graduate students: 94; PhD students: 41; MS students: 53
Undergraduate students: 243 (students pick major as freshmen)

Xiaodong Zhang

is the Robert M. Critchfield Professor in Engineering, and Chairman of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Ohio State University. Before joining Ohio State in 2006, he was Lattie Pate Evans Professor and Chair of Computer Science at College of William and Mary. Xiaodong Zhang was the Director of Advanced Computational Research Program at the National Science Foundation from 2001to 2004. He is the associate Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, and is also serving on the Editorial Boards of IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Micro, and Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. He received his Ph.D. in computer science from University of Colorado at Boulder.

Despite his busy administrative and service duties, he has continuously maintained an active research program. His research interests are in the areas of high performance and distributed systems.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Ohio State
Department Chair reports to the Dean of Engineering. Chair is a 4-year term. The current chair was selected through a national search. Department is in the College of Engineering.
Faculty: 35 total; Full professors: 14, Associate professors: 14, Assistant professors: 7
Graduate students: 210 total; Ph.D. students: 140, MS students: 70; Woman students: 41 (20%); Minority students: 4
Undergraduate students: 820 total; Woman students: 58; Minority students: 112 (Asians, African Americans, Hispanic). Students declare their majors in the second year.



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