2006 Outstanding Male Undergraduate Award David Eisenstat is a senior at the University of Rochester. He is
majoring in Computer Science with a minor, and potentially a second degree, in
Mathematics. David has done significant research in both Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematics. At Rochester he has worked on a range of deep problems in the areas of parallel computing, distributed computing and computational complexity. This has led to one published paper and several other papers in preparation. David has participated in NSF's Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) program for two summers, doing mathematical work in the areas of combinatorics and graph theory. This has led to several papers currently under review. In his computer science and mathematics work, David is a prime innovator, doing work that is clearly the equal of a good graduate student. In addition to being an excellent theoretician, David is a skilled programmer and has a near-perfect GPA. He was elected to Phi Beta Kappa as a junior and is president of the student ACM chapter. His computer science interests are complemented with a keen interest in choral singing, as well as music theory and composition.
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