2005 Outstanding Male Undergraduate Award Runner-Up Aditya Sunderam is a senior at Harvard University, majoring in
Computer Science and Economics.
Aditya's research focuses on preference elicitation in multiattribute auctions. He implemented a simulation of a new multiattribute auction proposal and measured its preference elicitation properties. He was the lead author on the resulting paper, published in the ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, the leading conference in the area. He has recently begun new research in the area of sensor networks using classic methods from market equilibrium. Aditya has served as a volunteer in Harvard University ExperiMentors (2002-present), in Boston Online Tutoring (mathematics tutoring for elementary students) (2001-02), and in Project Health: Boys Sports and Nutrition program (2003-04). He is active on the Harvard Ultimate Frisbee Team and the Boston Ultimate Disc Alliance, and was a columnist with the Harvard Political Review (2001-02).
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