2002 Outstanding Male Undergraduate Award Adam Stubblefield
is in his third year of studies at Rice University. He will receive a Bachelor's
degree in Mathematics in May 2002. Adam has done significant research in computer security and applied cryptography. For example, this past summer he developed the first attack on a wireless computing standard, the Wireless Equivalent Privacy (WEP) protocol; his results were reported on by CNN and The New York Times, among others. Adam has co-authored six papers; one received the best paper award at the Network and Distributed Systems Symposium in February 2001. He will be on the program committee of the next USENIX Security Symposium. Adam has been a teaching assistant for three courses at Rice. He has also been an intern at Wang, Xerox PARC, and AT&T Labs. He holds a USENIX Scholars Fellowship and is a Rice Undergraduate Scholar. << to 2002 Outstanding Undergraduate Awards home page
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